how to add promo codes

Congrats! You are one of the lucky ones that has received a rōmng promo code from one of our various partners or because you are just that awesome! Already a subscriber? Go here.

Adding a promo code is easy on all you have to do is:

  1. add some of our premium products to your cart
  2. click checkout
  3. go to the promo code field on the right side of your screen
  4. add the promo code to the field and click apply    

You can also follow this video here


how it works

you purchase

you make any purchase of our rōmng dog products on our website.

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we match

we will match 100% of your purchase and donate to one of our local shelters.

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win, win!

everyone wins! you are supporting a local small business and together we are supporting the local community affected by the wild fires.

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