Picking up your pup’s poop is probably something that you try to do as quickly as possible, so that you don’t have to endure the sight—or the smell—any longer than you absolutely have to.
But that pile that your dog leaves behind is actually an excellent barometer for its health. If you pay attention to what the stool is telling you, it will help you to keep your pet in good health and to deal with any problems before they get too serious.
So on your next walk, take a good look at your pooch’s feces. It’s very important to know what’s normal for your specific dog in terms of poop frequency, color, and consistency. Whenever this changes, it could indicate a larger problem that you need to discuss with your vet.
Decode What Your Dog’s Poop Is Telling You
Healthy: Feels a bit like Play-Doh and is medium to dark brown. It’s moist, compact, and easy for you to pick up in your Alpha Dog Pack bag.
Soft and loose, like soft-serve ice cream: If the stool falls apart when you try to pick it up, your pup probably just has an upset stomach, which should clear up on its own in 24-48 hours. If it continues, you may want to consult your vet.
Liquid brown, with or without streaks of blood: It’s probably just an upset stomach, as long as your dog isn’t showing any other symptoms (like lethargy or vomiting). Streaks of blood can be caused by relatively minor issues or something very serious, so keep a close eye on your pup. If the condition persists after 2-3 bowel movements, give your vet a call.
Lots of watery, bloody liquid: Take your dog to the vet right away, as this could indicate a serious gastrointestinal issue.
Black and tar-like: The color is usually caused by digested blood, which comes from the small intestine or stomach. Your dog might be losing a large amount of blood, so it’s time for a trip to the vet.
Weird colors like yellow, orange, green, white, or gray: If it’s a one-time thing, your pup just probably ate something it wasn’t used to eating (like carrots or grass). If it’s ongoing, head to the vet to make sure your dog doesn’t have an underlying condition.
Very hard or pebble-like: Your dog is constipated, dehydrated, or both—and it’s probably also straining when it defecates. You might need to try a new brand of kibble or add a scoop of canned pumpkin to its daily routine, but you should always talk to your vet before you change your pet’s diet in any way.
Remember: When in doubt, call your vet. They’re experts in decoding dog stool, and they’re not going to charge you for a phone call.
Scoop Poop Better with Alpha Dog Pack
Picking up poop is part of your life when you have a dog, but you can make it better with Alpha Dog Pack bags. We deliver our eco-friendly, 100% compostable bags right to your door so that you’ll always have some on hand. Subscribe today and never run out of poop bags again!