OK, so you have a dog or dogs and you're wondering how many poop bags will I need? First off, we'd like to commend you for being a responsible dog owner that picks up after their pups. You are already better than many dog owners out there that just let it lie where the dog left it.
Back to the topic at hand: how many poop bags will you need... Well, that depends on how many dogs you have? how many times per day does your dog(s) poop? Do you take your dogs on walks every day? How many times per day do you walk? All these things matter when deciding on what quantity you need and if you subscribe, what is the delivery frequency.
If you have one dog that poops 2 to 3 times per day and you go on walks twice a day then the 90 bag option should last you 35 to 45 days. If you have a backyard and only walk your dog on occasion then the 90 bag option will most likely last twice as long (75 to 90 days). Let's say you have 2 to 3 dogs that you walk daily, then you may want to go with the 180 bag option which will last anywhere from 50 to 60 days.
The best advice we can give you is if you live in an apartment in a city and you need to walk your dog twice a day then the 90 bag option is perfect and will last roughly 40 to 50 days and a poop bag subscription would be best. If you have 3 or more dogs that you walk twice a day (or more) then you will need to go with the 180 or 270 bag options. Don't forget if you are looking to get a poop bag subscription you can adjust your delivery frequency at any time.
In short, the correct amount of poop bags you will need depends on:
- How many dogs do you have
- How many poops per day
- How many times per day do you walk your dogs
- Do you have a backyard
All of our poop bags (EPI and Compostable) are available for both single and subscription orders.
No matter what you use, please pick it up!